Earth Day is Every Day
We all know that we need to be more environmentally conscious and sustainable. But how? In honor of Earth Day, we've compiled a list of quick and easy ways you can make your life greener, starting with the most important thing- yourself.
The first step in making your life more eco-friendly is by taking care of yourself. By doing so, you are setting an example for those around you to follow suit. Here are some simple things you can do today to start living green from the inside out:
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
A classic and icon in the world of environmental slogans, and for good reason. Overconsumption is one of the major players in contributing to increased materials going straight into landfill. Taking steps to revamp and upcycle that which you already have will help you to become a more conscious consumer, something Mother Nature will thank you for later.
At ALPAKA we upcycle some of our products by using leftover fabrics and giving them a new life to create cardholders, pencil cases and other small items - Upcycled collection.
Perhaps the most direct way to make an impact on nature is to actually get out there and volunteer some time. The idea of volunteering can at first be daunting if you don’t know where to start, but often your local park or nature reserve will be more than happy for you to spend some time helping them out.
Educate Yourself
Whilst completing research for this post, we were shocked to discover just how many household items were unsustainable and wasteful. Floss, razors, and shampoo bottles all are insanely bad for the planet, and we had no idea! If you know better, you do better, so take some time to read up on our natural resources so that you can better know their importance, and maybe even discover some better ways to help that aren’t on this list.
Go Plant Based
You don't need to go full vegan and cut out all animal products from your life. But reducing them and increasing your plant intake is one of the easiest and most impactful ways we as individuals can make when it comes to our health and the environment.
Use Long-Lasting Lightbulbs
This simple switch can make a big difference. Using energy efficient bulbs in your house can drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are also cost effective. The longer lasting the bulb, the less of them you’ll have to buy overtime! And also, don’t forget to flick off the light switch of any room that you’re not using.
Shop Wisely
We mentioned before about becoming a more conscious consumer, and this is a practise that doesn’t have to completely change up your whole life and shopping routine. We see being a conscious consumer as simply making a choice to shop more wisely. Don’t forget your reusable shopping bags and try to buy less plastic where you can. These steps, while they may appear small, really can make a big difference in the long run.
Shop from companies that are making a difference. At ALPAKA, we put our money where our mouth is and donate 1% of annual sales to non-profits doing great things like reforestation, wildlife protection, tackling plastic pollution, etc.
Bike More
The benefits of this one are huge. Lowering the amount of fume emissions caused by cars would be a major win in the fight for climate protection. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt your overall health and fitness either. Even cutting out the car and biking instead to your local shops would be a step in the right direction. If biking more is something you’re interested in, check out our article on things you should keep in mind before you start biking to work.
Plant a Tree
This one is a no brainer. It's easy, insanely good for the planet, and when done in groups with your friends and family, can also be a lot of fun. We at ALPAKA love this idea so much in fact, that we have partnered up with our friends and partners over at One Tree Planted, to try and achieve our goal of planting 1000 trees today - Earth Day. We actually like to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. We only get one planet Earth after all!
Government Accountability
While it is important for us as individuals to get educated and do our part, let's be real: it will never be enough unless governments and corporations around the world are held accountable and take action.
What we need to do as citizens is to make adamant demands of our politicians and institutions for more urgent action. Here's some things we can do:
- We need to write to and demand our local and federal leaders to take these matters for what they are: urgent.
- Vote. Exercise your democratic right with the climate crisis and future generations in mind.
- Attend rallies and marches. Make your voice heard. Let's harness our collective power and show our leaders in Government that there is a strong consensus for climate action
Remember, every little bit helps. So let's keep pushing, using your networks, communications skills and personal power to push for climate action and protect the only home we know.