We're donating 100% of our profits from online purchases in our website between the 7th of April and the 12th of April to support Health Workers and First Responders in the front line against COVID-19. After this period, we'll donating 1% of profits for the rest of the year.
The funds will be donated to Direct Relief (https://www.directrelief.org/emergency/coronavirus-outbreak/) which is coordinating with public health authorities, nonprofit organizations and businesses in the U.S. and globally to provide personal protective equipment and essential medical items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19).
In the U.S., Direct Relief is delivering protective masks – along with exam gloves, isolations gowns, and other protective gear to healthcare organizations across the country.
They are also staging personal protective equipment with regional response agencies across the world, including in the Caribbean and South America through the Pan American Health Organization.
Exclusive discounts for Health Workers
We’re introducing an exclusive discount for Health Workers. Click here to learn more.
Manufacturing During COVID-19
In order to ensure the safety of our workers and you as a customer, we have taken several steps to ensure that all the workers are healthy, and all the products we send you are free from viral contaminants.
PPE and Work Environment
Shenzhen, the city in which our factory is located in, there are very strict requirements regarding how we quarantine ourselves. All employees entering the building complex must show the security staff their travel history for the last 30 days, and their personal ID. If these check out in the system, the security staff will then scan your temperature prior to letting you enter the building complex.
We have provided all ALPAKA staff with masks, goggles and gloves, and it is a mandatory requirement that we wear these PPEs when we leave our office compound.
In order to get more accurate monitoring during work hours, we've installed FLIR thermal scanners in the factory and also have a portable FLIR infrared thermal camera for office staff to get more accurate hourly temperature readings. So far, everyone is healthy and in a happy mood.
We want to ensure maximum safety for end-users of our products.
As such, we have gone to the extraordinary steps of using UV light and Ozone disinfection for all the fabrics and parts used in manufacturing. For parts that are not used immediately in the production, we have sealed them in cardboard boxes and wrapped them in plastic wraps to minimise any cross-contamination.
Our warehouses in Hong Kong and the USA are also taking serious precautions with their workers and how they handle any goods
How Can I Help?
You can help provide personal protective equipment and essential medical items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) by contributing to Direct Relief below.